Pixel-perfect designs by a mobile dev the hacker's waySo at my current employer, I was working on a project where our designer produced designs and he wanted them to be pixel-perfect. We had a…May 3, 2024May 3, 2024
Xcode debugger showing assembly not sourcefileWhen using Xcode 15. I noticed all of a sudden that when I put in a breakpoint it was showing my assembly instructions and not the actual…Feb 20, 2024Feb 20, 2024
Xcode simulator runtime not available FIXIf you see this dreaded error when you try to run your App on a simulator after upgrading XcodeFeb 12, 2024Feb 12, 2024
Authenticated Webviews in mobile appsLearn about different solutions to authenticating Webviews in your mobile applicationNov 29, 2023Nov 29, 2023
Setting up mitmproxy on iOS SimulatorSometimes you want to use a really low-level tool to introspect traffic you are seeing within your mobile application. This can help with…Sep 14, 2023Sep 14, 2023
Xcode 14 SPM signing issues on AzureDevOpsI was working on a really strange signing issue at work the other day. Initially I thought it had to do with this errorAug 21, 2023Aug 21, 2023
SwiftUI Pdf View using Data/NSDataSo back at WWDC in 2019 Apple released direct support for viewing PDF’s utilising their PDFKit framework including the ability to in-app…Jun 28, 2023Jun 28, 2023
How to setup command line Environment variables in XcodeAs a developer you sometimes want to configure your App or even your XCTests to run with different environment settings at runtime. The…Jun 23, 2023Jun 23, 2023
KMM (Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile) in anger from an iOS Developers perspectiveI am writing this article to help people understand the potential of KMM (Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile). This article is based on my…Aug 15, 20218Aug 15, 20218
Published inOur Very Own (Australia)Class Solver case study — Tech and Software | Our Very OwnUSING CUTTING-EDGE TECH TO HELP TEACHERS SUPPORT STUDENTSMar 3, 2021Mar 3, 2021